Monday, April 26, 2010

Result of using ne sound and DIY 4 Ways Caller

Here the result of using ne sound and DIY 4 Ways Caller.

Friday, April 16, 2010

DIY 4-ways Caller

This is the DIY 4-ways caller I recently using. Using 2 small water resistance tweeters and 2 big water resistance tweeters. It seem working fine and effective to attract bird come playing and entering my BH.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Update after visited BH today

After did the following modifications,
1. Changed the internal sound
2. Changed the external sound
3. Covered the side enterance hole
4. Changed the external tweeters
5. putting ammonia podwer in the BH

After 1 month, found 2 new half cup bird nests and few new spot of bird shit. It look ike the modification did help. Will continue monitor the progress with putting ammonia twice a month. As for the humidity and temperature of the BH, still look good: Humidity between 80 %- 88%, Temperature between 28 - 30.5 degrees.